President- RoShana Adamson
Vice President- Trena Robinson Secretary- Jywann Spears Asst. Secretary- Selma Washington Corresponding Secretary- Vonda Williams Treasurer- Sharal Brown Asst. Treasurer- Stephanie Sneed Financial Secretary- Angela Roberts Asst. Financial Secretary- Tiya Wilson Parliamentarian- Lotus Douglas Chaplain- Tisha Christopher Ivy Leaf Reporter- Danielle Welcome Keeper of the Door- CarShandra Hollins Historian- Rachel Snell Archivist- Chenice Wells Hostess- Phaedra Abbott |
Grad Advisor - Beta Kappa- Pamela Campbell
Grad Advisor - Delta Xi- Angela Trottie Grad Advisor - Upsilon Alpha- Keisha White Member-at-Large- Daphne Octave Connection & Social Action- Darlene Owens EAF Captain- Meta Brown Pan-Hellenic Council Rep- Raven Adamson Membership- Tangelia Pruitt Risk Management- Toya Bell Sisterly Relations- Britney Hawkins Standards Chairman- Vivian Ross Nominating- Da'Lacie McGrew Nominating- Ayan Octave Nominating- Melissa Fontenette-Mitchell Nominating- Pamela Campbell Nominating- Angela Henderson |
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